Saturday, January 10, 2009

Gross eye

My poor dogs cannot seem to catch a break! Usually it's Allie that's messed up with some sort of allergy or injury but this time it was our rock- Otis. He woke up Friday morning with his lower eyelid sagging out away from his face and his eye was red. It looked like he had some swelling too. He acted normal though and not like he was in pain which was good. He didn't seem to mess with his eye either. His eye looked totally gross though!

Usually I jump the gun a bit and run to the vet, or even the emergency vet if it's evening. This time though I thought back to my own swollen eye that I mysteriously woke up with one day a few months ago. I treated my own eye by rinsing it out and putting a hot compress on it. I decided to do the same for Otis and resolved that if his eye was not significatly better by morning we'd be off to the vet!

Saturday morning I awoke to the usual, Otis standing over me staring down at me thinking WAKE UP ALREADY AND FEEEEED ME! Low and behold his eye was totally better, not a sign of redness or weird sagging lids.

Now as I sit here typing this he's plotting to figure out a way to crawl under my laptop and onto my lap... I'm so blessed.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Pug Christmas 2009

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

Otis looking over at the snow and the tree that fell down because of said snow

Allie with some of the wrapping paper carnage

Otis and Jamie after too much celebrating!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Santa Claus is coming to town

"Did you hear that? Is Santa here already?"
"No, no no! I thought I had a few more weeks to make up for all the naughty stuff I did this year"

Friday, September 5, 2008

Kool Collars

Last April I had a booth at this thing called "the Spring Shopping Affair" where I was selling shirts. None of the vendors there seemed to be having any luck except for this guy selling "Kool Collars" for dogs. The idea is you can fill the collar with ice when they're outside or re-freezable, non-leaking ice packs when they're inside. The goal is to keep your dog cool during hot days and avoid heat stroke. Any of you that own pugs know how they can literally wilt in the heat, so these things have been a lifesaver this summer especially riding in the car.

Otis who is very dignified is horrified that I'm posting pics of him wearing the collar upside down.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Puggy Bank

First off Allie is all better. We have no idea what was wrong in the first place but he's fine now.

So... I've officially been lost to the dark side. I've never been one of those people who bought pug stuff before. Yes, it's true that I have things like a pug callender, magnets, stationary etc. but, I didn't buy that stuff. Every holiday/ birthday people always get me pug-ish stuff to satisfy their own secret pug person cravings. I'm not saying I don't enjoy those things, heck pugs are cute so of course I enjoy pug accessories, I just swore to myself I wouldn't be one of the people who went over board. Anyway... that all changed yesterday when my friend pointed out a "puggy bank" in a little store we went to. OMG too cute! I totally lost control of my senses (and wallet apparently) and got him. My excuse is that Jamie and I are going to start trying to get pregnant soon so we could put this in a baby's roon. HAHA I even needed an excuse, maybe I'm not totally lost to the dark side after all!?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Allie's trip to the hospital

I'm so sick of allergies! We spend over 3 1/2 hours at the emergency vet on Thursday night after I noticed the right side of Allie's face was swelling up like crazy. He didn't even look like himself he had lost his wrinkles in his forehead and under his right eye and they had turned into huge puffy masses. When we tried to touch his face to see if there was a bee stinger in it he cried out in pain. Wegot scared, called Dove Lewis and they told us to bring him right in. They ended up giving him a Benydryl shot which didn't seem to work on it's own so then the gave him a steroid shot. After waiting with him for what seemed like forever we noticed it going down slightly and decided to bring him home.

They couldn't tell us what caused it, only that they have dogs come in with the same problem on a nightly basis.

All day friday he was still really puffy. Saturday he looked a ton better. However today he's looking swollen again. I'm going to give it another day and then take hime to his normal vet if it looks bad. I'm starting to wonder if he may have an infection or something and maybe the swelling is fluid build up. If anyone had any idea let me know.

You can really tell from the pic but he's still swollen (not horribly) in this pic. He's also drugged out from all the anti histamines we've been giving him.