Saturday, November 10, 2007


I'm happy to report that after a long battle we finally seem to have Allie's allergies under control (knock on wood). It seems to be a combination of things due to the fact that he's allergic to so much. Here's what we have going on now:

-Plegits face wipes (medicated wipes we clean his wrinkles with to get rid of pollen and dirt)

-Royal Canin Z/D gold label non-allergenic food (we've tried everything short of making his food ourselves and this is the only thing that's worked)

-Allergy shots (once every 2 weeks, builds his immunities to the things he's allergic to)

-washing blankets/ couch covers in hot water often to reduce dust mites.

- no other treats, limited access to plastic (we're not yet sure if he's allergic to it)

He's been happy and allergy free for a couple months now!


My Pugs Blogger said...

Hi! Thanks for emailing - I will be sure to put your guys on our friend list.

Miko has allergies too (that we are still working to figure out) and we think dust/mites are part of it too. It's a guessing game - so congrats on getting things under control!

Pugs in Space said...

I have two Pugs :) Have you tried a heavy metal detox? I am going to try Lugol drops for my female Pug's allergies. There may be some holistic things that can supplement or replace the allopathic treatments. I believe there are a few holistic vets in the PDX area. I also quit vaccinating my Pugs as vaccines can cause allergies. If they have been properly vaccinated in a series as puppies the yearly boosters are unnecessary and toxic.