Sunday, June 24, 2007

Allie! (the crazy one!)

Since I got Otis I'd always known that I wanted to get a 2nd pug. While Otis was naughty on occasion, he had always been pretty relaxed and was easy to train as a puppy. I went to the same breeder last summer and got Allie. He was sooo cute and had the funniest little walk I'd ever seen. I got him home and he was absolute trouble from day one!

He has been incredibly hard to potty train, he wants to eat everything and loves to bug Otis, and is the most jealous little animal you have ever seen! All of that is forgiven though with the million kisses he gives and the look of "I'm sorry" that flashes for 2 seconds between getting into more trouble.

All he wants is attention ALL THE TIME! He's always hungry and always wants to play and be the center of it all. He struggles a lot with allergies (which you will probably hear a lot about) but is so energetic its contagious even when he's not feeling well.

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